Implementasi Aplikasi Absensi Berbasis Scan Qr Code Di Yayasan Jemari Nusantara Islamic School


  • Muhammad Bayu Prasetiawan Universitas Pamulang
  • Rahmawati Rahmawati Universitas Pamulang
  • Muhammad Fikri Fadhilah Universitas Pamulang
  • Muhammad Fiqi Eyriska Rokhim Universitas Pamulang


Information Technology, Attendance, Student, Absensi


Abstrak−The use of technology in education is becoming increasingly important, including in terms of absenteeism. The Nusantara Islamic School Foundation, especially at the Elementary School (SD) level, plans to implement an application-based attendance system with QR codes to increase the efficiency and accuracy of recording student attendance. With QR code technology, attendance can be taken quickly and accurately, where attendance data is automatically stored in a database that can be accessed in real time by the school, parents and students. This implementation not only makes the attendance process easier, but also increases transparency and trust between schools and parents. This system supports the school digitalization program promoted by the government, increasing digital literacy among students. SD Jemari Nusantara Islamic School, founded in 2019. Teachers at SD Jemari are trained professionally and participate in development activities to improve teaching practices. Parents are also involved through parenting workshops to ensure the educational process runs harmoniously. By implementing a QR code-based attendance system, it is hoped that schools can provide better educational services that are in line with current needs.

Keywords: SD Jemari Nusantara Islamic School; Technology, QR Code, Attendance, Student


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How to Cite

Bayu Prasetiawan, M., Rahmawati, R., Muhammad Fikri Fadhilah, & Muhammad Fiqi Eyriska Rokhim. (2024). Implementasi Aplikasi Absensi Berbasis Scan Qr Code Di Yayasan Jemari Nusantara Islamic School. BIN : Bulletin Of Informatics, 2(1), 50–60. Retrieved from